Collision with other aircraft and mixed flying


New member
I assume it will be possible to crash into other aircraft when flying with other players?

Also, I assume 'mixed' flying is allowed, namely fixed wings AND helis?

That's excellent news, thanks Jim. :)

Incidentally, what is your connection with KnifeEdge - programmer, director, project co-ordinator, etc?

I'm a programmer, software developer, software engineer, administrator of this board, poet, and all around good guy. I'm actually less of a poet.

Thanks, just curious. :)

Getting back slightly on-topic - what happens when an aircraft collides with a bitmap/texture of a person? Presumably the aircraft 'crashes' and the 'person' remains standing?

I'm not of course asking for blood and gore (anyone for decapitations when encountering heli rotors? ;)

It pains me to say that crashing into people currently doesn't do anything. :(
I CAN say that something is currently being done about that and will be available free of charge.
That's a shame. :(

I assume you mean then that the aircraft just flies right through people?

If so, couldn't they be 'recognised' by the program as trees and so create a crash in the same way as a tree does?
