

New member
Dose the Sim have combat in it I herd that some versions do . I don mind if they don’t it I may be a fun distraction som but I understand it’s a sim to simulate real life but I was just wondering?

I decided to get this at some point.
It does have that, especially as a multi-player function. It is not a full fledged "in-the-cockpit" type combat simulator with swarms of AI enemy aircraft and a bazillion weapons choices. But one can sit in the plane and blow things up (or do it from the vantage point of being at a flying field)!
It has many other single person "game" like challenges, mostly oriented toward increasing skill on the control sticks, that can be flown from the ground as a traditional RC model, or by view from behind the plane or in the cockpit. So much more than just standing at a flying field and learning maneuvers/aerobatics.