disk space error and Direct Input error



I just installed R/C Pilot to my computer. When I tried to run the program, I received the following error messages:

First I got "196.44MB of free space left of your drive. You should clear up at least 20MB for the best performance." I have 16GB's of free space left on my hard drive.

Second I got "Error: The device or device instance or effect is not registered with DirectInput

Then I get "Error initializing joystick interface"

Please help me.
I'll bet your're running a virus checker software. Disable that and try again and I'l bet the disk problem goes away. That might clear up you other problem also.

Wish I could'a thought of something funnier to put here.
Thanks for the reply Al but I disabled my virus checker and no change. Any other ideas?
Did you reinstall after disableing the checker software?, or just try running?

Virus checkers are notorious for causing bad installations if running.

Wish I could'a thought of something funnier to put here.