Do not install the latest G4.5 betas unless you want to help test them


Knife Edge Software Owner
The recent betas announced by Ryan are _only_ for people who want to help test the software.

There are a number of bug fixes in these beta releases. We need to know how well they work for you.

Feel free to try them out and post your comments in the forums, but try to be constructive. Saying the beta is 'crap' doesn't help us. If you see an error of some kind, try to describe it in full and give us steps to reproduce it. Keep in mind that it is quite common for some customers to see problems that we do not see in our own test labs. This is due to the variety of network cards, video adapters, and associated drivers put in service on customer's machines. Though we try, it is impossible to test every configuration.

It's too late in the year to issue an official patch, but we are trying to address a number of bugs in G4.5, so look forward to something official after the first of the year. In the meantime, we rely on your feedback.

Tech support reports that G4.5 is overall much more stable than any previous release. If you are having trouble, there is probably a workaround. Please contact support for a solution. Support can be reached by dialing 217-398-8970 or by emailing

Also, do note that the minimum system requirements for G4.5 were increased over the requirements for G4. Some customers will be better off with G4 for that reason. Contact tech support for assistance with compatibility issues.
