Dominoion 3d 90 CS?


Active member
I cant export the Dominion 3d 90 FBL CS for some reason? Is this happening because it is a stock model and not a user model? I have been away from this hobby several years now and have not made a color scheme in forever. Thanks for any help you can give.

When you have the model selected go to "Aircraft" then "Save color Scheme as". Type in a name for the new CS. Nothing obvious will happen. Navigate to MyDocuments/Real Fligh?/Vehicles/ColorSchemes. Then search for the up to 3 files that were generated with the name you gave them.
I exported the CS for the Dominion 3D 90 with no problems.
What do you mean by Export ?
Create a new CS by "Save Color Scheme As"
Did you already do that and can not Export the newly painted CS as an rfx file?
the latter is what the term "Export" means here ;)
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Ok i got it guys! Thanks! I use to make a lot of color schemes on here but it's been so long i forgot the little things! :)