Eaten interlink

Scurvy Dog...

Lessee, British sailors suffered from Vitamin C deficiency early in their naval career, before they knew about such things, and it was called "scurvy". The sailors suffered from other medical, nutritional, and psychological maladies, but that is well documented, and probably not in good taste to discuss such things here.

I'm guessing that it was a British Fox Terrier, as they will chew the head off an anvil, left to their own devices.

If not a Terrier, there are other breeds of malcontents whom fit the bill, as well.

Usually, when you're doing large bits of building that require super thin CA glue, I recommend a fan or other type of ventilation... And don't directly inhale the white smoke. It's not good for you.

Greg.B said:
So what do "runcombatgame", "millionLives" and "infiniteLives" actually do? It's been bugging me for months :D
I know what they do. They make people submit posts. :p
I really don't get the point of this message, but I'm going to guess that it has everything to do with a joking around thread about interlinks that are missing or broken. I can tell you this, that every time one of these gets started, they always end up with 5 or more pages of stories made up on how, or who ate the interlink.

I think someone decided to take it apart, grind it up into a shake, and then let it spoil, they dumped it out back with the rest of the ground up aircraft parts.
OMG so mean, and rude!