Extreme Control Sensitivity


New member
I am finding that the controller is extremely sensitive on the menu and on most planes. On the menu, it is nearly impossible to move only one step using the elevator stick. The slightest bump on the stick moves 2-3 steps. Similarly, in flying most of the planes, very small pressure on the stick gives an extreme response on the plane. Some of the very slow flyers respond reasonably to stick control, but all the acrobatic and 3D planes and helicopters respond drastically. My real RC planes are nowhere as sensitive to control inputs as this. Is there a way to tone the response rate down? Needless to say, I fly on low rates (left switch forward) all the time. Putting the rates switch on high makes the planes totally uncontrollable.
Have you calibrated the controller both in the Sim and via the Windows control panel?

We've seen this complaint every once in a while when this had not been done.

With the controller properly adjusted, stick input results in the sim are very realistic.
How To Calibrate

How do you calibrate the controller both in Realflight and in the control panel? Making a program that needs no documentation is a fine idea, until something happens that calls for a little documentation.
rhatch said:
How do you calibrate the controller both in Realflight and in the control panel? Making a program that needs no documentation is a fine idea, until something happens that calls for a little documentation.

Most of the users here are unfamiliar with RealFlight Basic. Opjose's suggestion probably won't help in this case.

I don't think there is anything you can do but contact tech support. I suspect your controller is faulty. It's rare, but it does happen.
