Feature Request - Engine Specs


New member
Hello RF Aircraft Editors and fellow users:

With this thread I am hoping to generate a movement to get KE to add the ability for users to specify engine / motor specs for the purpose of more closely creating our simulated aircraft. I am currently trying to model a specific aircraft and the engine choices are somewhat limiting. So I would like to be able to do the following:

Enter engine weight, HP, rpm range (Min,Max), fuel consumption, (and any other easily obtainable parameters) to approximate an engine not in the list. This would allow us to do virtual engine swaps and (as I'm trying to do) evaluate performance on an upcoming build.

The smart folks at KE should be able to tell us what they need at a minimum to do the physics. We, the customer, need to tell them that we want it (as we did for Combat etc.)

So I am asking you to chime in and support the idea. The more / hits and posts this gets, the more likely we are to see the feature. Also feel free to expand / modify my request as you see fit.


What you ask for has always been there. :confused:
You can already create your own combustible or electric engine in the aircraft editor.
Hey, if you only ask for features that are already there, you'll never be disappointed! I like this guy!
Well color me with egg on my face ... :eek:

I specifically asked the question of HOW to the tech folks and they told me there was no way to do it. Further, they encouraged me to create this post to get the feature added.

So what do you do when you cannot find torque specs for a specific engine? Fake it?

Did you see Doug's reply in the other thread? It's confusing to discuss the same issue in multiple threads.
Hello All,

I want to chime in as a Support Tech. All of us here are aware of this feature and I personally use it regularly. I am not trying to call anyone a lier, but rather offer up any more information that is needed. If you would like, you can post the first name of the person you talked to. Most likely, they were confused on what you were asking. They may have misinterpreted it as wanting to model a new engine (visually), which would require the 3d modeling software, etc.

Thanks All