Flight Time Adjustment


New member
I downloaded the F18 Super Hornet from the swap pages. How do I change flight time on this thing? For some reason, I can only get like 1 min of flight time before it runs out of power. This is an EDF jet and I should be getting about 4 to 5 min flight time. I like to use my timer on the NX8 but for some reason this specific model is out of power within 1 min.
sounds like the battery is really small.

Swap pages aircraft are created by other users or Realflight and are not in any way considered official aircraft from Realflight. That means that literally anyone with Realflight can create a Model, Variant, or color scheme and post it. Some are really high quality, while others are crap. The model you speak of seems to be the latter of those two. Post a link to the aircraft here on this thread and someone can take a look at it.

The Realflight editor is a tool that you have at your disposal to increase the battery size if that is what's wrong.
I concur with csgill on battery size. but it could also be a motor that is way outside of its efficiency range.
Make sure to post a link to the specific one - there are at least a couple, which I didn't feel like downloading to test in order to figure out which one you were having the problem with!