FlightAxis Link state data conventions


New member
Hello everyone,

I got couple of questions regarding axis orientation conventions of FlightAxis Link state data.
Some of these I think I got right but the others I'm struggling with.
I was searching the forums and the net and couldn't get comprehensive answers.

I tried to undestand these by looking at code tridge has kindly provided (kudos for that!)
yet still I can't understand everything.

Can anyone more knowledgeble confirm or correct this:

m-pitchRate-DEGpSEC - positive when nose pitching up, negative when pitching down
m-rollRate-DEGpSEC - positive when rolling to the right, negative when rolling to the left
m-yawRate-DEGpSEC - positive when yaw to the right, negative when yaw to the left
m-azimuth-DEG - -90degrees is North, 0 degrees is West, 180 degrees is East, 90 degrees is South

I've marked my statements with ??? when I'm no sure or have no idea.

World (0,0,0) is where pilot's camera is?:

X: Increasing X means moving towards North, Decreasing X is movement towards South Xaxis: -South -> North+
Y: Decreasing Y means movement towards East, Increasing Y is movement towards West Yaxis: -East -> West+
Z: Positive for moving up away from surface - ??? Zaxis: -down -> up+ ???

m-velocityWorldU-MPS - orientation same as World Xaxis described above ???
m-velocityWorldV-MPS - orientation same as World Yaxis described above ???
m-velocityWorldW-MPS - orientation same as World Zaxis described above ???

m-accelerationWorldAX-MPS2 - orientation same as World Xaxis described above ???
m-accelerationWorldAY-MPS2 - orientation same as World Yaxis described above ???
m-accelerationWorldAZ-MPS2 - orientation same as World Zaxis described above ???

Body [(0,0,0) is an aircraft center od gravity?]:

X: no idea - Xaxis: -tail -> nose+ ???
Y: no idea - Yais: -left wing -> right wing+ ???
Z no idea - Zaxis: -up -> down+ ???

m-velocityBodyU-MPS - orientation of this is the same as Body Xaxis ???
m-velocityBodyW-MPS - orientation of this is the same as Body Yaxis ???
m-velocityBodyZ-MPS - orientation of this is the same as Body Zaxis ???

m-accelerationBodyAX-MPS2 - orientation of this is the same as Body Xaxis ???
m-accelerationBodyAY-MPS2 - orientation of this is the same as Body Xaxis ???
m-accelerationBodyAZ-MPS2 - orientation of this is the same as Body Xaxis ???

windX-MPS, windY-MPS, windZ-MPS - they use World coordinate system or Body?

Quaternion orientation corresponds to Body coordinate system?

Also, MPS in state data names transates to metres per second, MPS2 (meters per second squared) - not Miles I assume.
And MTR is just meters?

Much appreciated for answers (to a wall of questions...).
I enjoy using Realflight 8 both as simulation tool and pilot's training :)