G2 Aircraft and Color Schemes NOT importable


New member
Why are the aircraft designs and color schemes created under G2 not importable if the G2 Add-On packages work? and, if the color schemes are in tga format? I was just advised that this is the case from GP Tech Support.

There is too much user creativity being lost here. This is not logical.

color schemes

I have copied G2 colorschemes folder and pasted it in G3 and it worked on most,but not all of the planes.
color schemes and TGA

on some of the G3 aircraft vs G2 the tga of the aircraft are diffreent also if for any reason you flip or mirror the tga "remember to flip or mirror it back to the original view otherwise it will not work. I have both paint shop pro 7 and 9, I like working with 9 but the tga's dont work so I open them up in 7 and then save and it works everytime. :)
I've found that the original add-on aircraft for g2 are compatible with g2 colorschemes. Most aircraft that come stock with g3 are not.
i mainly fly 3D, so i only use the extra special yak and cap 232 in g3, and so far not a single problem with downloading colorschemes from the g2 swap page!
timid1 said:
Why are the aircraft designs and color schemes created under G2 not importable if the G2 Add-On packages work?

There is too much user creativity being lost here. This is not logical.


Do you mean “why does G2 and Add-on's use different textures layout then G3?”

The answer is simple; it's very hard making new better looking models use older textures. So for models like the P-51 you need to re-layout the textures to actually make the model look really good. Even Microsoft Flight Simulator does not support legacy art work. It’s a debate any company goes though when they can upgrade the artwork but it will cost compatibility with older fan work. Usually companies side with the larger, non-customizing, fan base that just wants the game to look good out of the box. After all the creative, tweakers, out there know how to take the new art layouts and make their skins again. And their new skins can even look better then before.

So it's unfortunate that legacy fan schemes don't work anymore but it's pretty easy to take older skins and scoot around the elements to make them work for the new layout. I think KE did the right thing by not limit themselves by the community art. It unfortunately is on of those "two steps forward, one step back" issues.
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I just wish the Alpha channel for the Raptor was normal again, not just in the window section. I'd like to see my carbon fiber frames and fins with the cut outs again :( .
G2 colorschemes work on G3

I had some problems, while loading G2 planes on G3, but I was able to open them up in Adobe and save them as a different file name or rotate them 180 degrees. I had some problems with the Bill Hempel Pitts Challeger on the G2 download page, it would turn out gray. I saved it after opening it up in Adobe as challengercopy1.jpg., it opened up just fine in G3. I did do some editing, it now looks like the Tucson Aerobatic Shootout :cool:
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