G6 Models in G5.5


New member
is it Possible to Export G6 Models to G5.5?
For me i want to use the Goblin 700 Model but when i try to import it i get an Error that not all needed things are included,what should i do?
Ill try to Import SAB Goblin 700_EA
I don't know if what you mean is the same thing that happens to everyone who doesn't follow directions or not. An accurate description of your error would be needed. A screenshot would be great. You've been around a while. On the file's jome page, you'll find requirements listed. STOP USING THE GREEN DOWNLOAD ARROW. READ the file's hompage for a description of the file, and requirements to use it.

That said, some RF6 models have extra features that can't be recognized by G5. That could be your problem.
So I got the Goblin 700 to load on G5.5, but there is no blades. am I missing something. help please:confused: I still fly it and works great but just like to have the blades showing.
As opjose suggested, I suspect that model is using custom heli visual blades. Support for that feature was added in 6.00.038. If that Goblin model is indeed using custom visual blades, it is not compatible with G5.

The upgrade from G5.5 to RF6.5 is only $50. You may want to consider it, especially if you are a heli pilot. We made big improvements to the heli physics with the introduction of 6.0.