Graphics quality issue - Reposted


New member
Although this issue was detected in the RF Evolution's latest official release, I am re-posting on this thread, as it was suggested on the other thread, because it may be of interest to the RF developers working on the next release.

I recently installed RF Evolution on my gaming PC (Windows 11 and dedicated GPU Nvidia RTX 3080) and I am a bit disappointed with the graphics quality. Since I still have RF 7.5 installed, I am able to compare the graphics between the two versions and it looks better with RF 7.5 (although the aircraft general performance appears very similar, if not the same).

What I notice in particular is the images in Evolution are not as crisp, and the straight, thin lines appear somewhat stair-stepped and/or interrupted and/or flickering (when in motion). Not so in RF 7.5.

I checked the advanced Nvidia parameters, and they are the same for both RF versions. I played a bit with anti-aliasing and it makes no difference.

The monitor resolution is fixed at 3840 x 2160 (60Hz). RF Graphics Quality Setting is set to Highest for both versions. I intentionally limited frame rates in both versions to 200 fps, to avoid the fan noise from the GPU, which does not really need to run at 900+ fps for Evolution, but even when I let the GPU rip at full fps, it still makes no difference.

This graphics issue is not specific to a plane, as I see it with other planes as well, either built-in to Evolution (e.g. the 90mm Viper EDF) or from the swap pages. I attached two snapshots; one is for a custom Extra330SC (from swap pages) and the other is for the 90mm Viper EDF. Check the wings' leading edges and all hinge lines. The airplanes are on the ground, not moving.

I am also wondering what Evolution does differently from RF 7.5, relative to screen resolution and scaling. Some text and images (such as the one that appears when you choose Simulation>Graphics from the main menu) look much bigger in Evolution than in RF 7.5, yet the NavGuides text look the same size.

Have other people noticed this graphics quality issue?
If so, have they been able to overcome it?


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If I recall correctly, I recall a similar recent thread. And the solution was to reduce the scale on high res monitors.
That did not work for me. I changed from 175% scaling, in various steps all the way down to 100% and the graphics issue is still there, clearly visible.
The only result is that I can no longer read any text on the screen, in any applications :)

By the way, I just noticed my PC is using DirectX 12, not 11. Is it a problem?
That did not work for me. I changed from 175% scaling, in various steps all the way down to 100% and the graphics issue is still there, clearly visible.
The only result is that I can no longer read any text on the screen, in any applications :)

By the way, I just noticed my PC is using DirectX 12, not 11. Is it a problem?
No, that's not a problem. The systems DirectX Driver is backwards compatible so it works fine with older versions. That is unless the graphics board company drops support for an older version, like AMD and Intel have done.
@giovanniluigi This is the stock Extra 330L at Santa Clara airfield, RTX3060, max Quality and RF Bloom setting not enabled. Can you put the plane on same place, iddle the engine and capture the same exactly from same position, angle and distance (manual zoom). Post here for comparison purpose: your quality must be at least as good as this (RF 10.10.079).

Note these are simply Windows 10 screenshots (Shift+Insert) with copy&paste in Paint, to genuine capture the pixels (not from the embeed Tab screenshot feature). Below images are simply from Windows Paint saved as jpeg. We should be able to compare objectively if you do exactly the same. This specific scenario is on purpose.

Thank you!


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Note these are simply Windows 10 screenshots (Shift+Insert) with copy&paste in Paint, to genuine capture the pixels (not from the embeed Tab screenshot feature). Below images are simply from Windows Paint saved as jpeg. We should be able to compare objectively if you do exactly the same.

Thank you!
Please clarify the above statement. I have Windows 11 and use the Snipping Tool for screenshots. I can probably save them as jpeg, if necessary.
the nvidia setting for AA have no effect on DX11 evolution. yet
In my case it does seem to work from the nvidia control panel. The effect, at least in 1080, which is my native resolution, is not much, but something is noticeable.
Unfortunately it has a small side effect and that is that quality is lost in the small texts of the menus (fortunately not the legacy ones). You can see it in the navguides gadget.

The RF7.5 image (3.jpg) does not have Antialiasing activated in the control panel and the RFE does have it (4.jpg)


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As requested. My scaling is 175%. Monitor settings are in the last screenshot. RF Quality is set to Highest and Bloom disabled (as it has always been). My RF version 10.10.078 (is 10.10.079 already released?).
Check out the two additional screenshots with the wing lines almost parallel to the monitor horizontal dimension. It always appears that in this condition, the jagged/interrupted lines of the graphics are worse than when they are mostly diagonal.


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Could any of the RF developers on this forum please chime in and let me know what, if anything, can be done to resolve this graphics issue?
It is making for a less pleasant experience with RF Evolution, which otherwise seems to be a solid product.
@giovanniluigi Sorry for delay. When doing comparisons, I see that your quality is actually better than mine, especially the diagonals - see pictures. Should be me complaining 🤪. But when I fly aircrafts I don't focus too much on this, they are far from me like when I fly real ones.

Agree that isn't very nice seeing these artifacts when the aircraft is close or manual zoom. Same goes with non photo airfields, per example the white lines paint on the grass (Soccer field). Much aliasing there but I haven't checked if worse than RF 9.5.

Now that DX11 is enabled, having Anti-Aliasing option (2x, 4x, etc) is something that the dev team might eventually consider (you saw that enabling in graphic card isn't supported/no change). Amongst more urgent pipeline and other priorities.

This my little contribution and looks like your setup with RTX3080 is fine which is important to confirm (as well my setup).

Buon Natale ed Auguri in avanzo per
l'anno prossimo !


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RemyHeli, thanks for your comments. I also agree this is not a critical aspect of the simulator, as when the plane is in flight it is generally too small for me to notice the graphics problem.
However, when comparing with the graphics of the much older RF 9.5, it begs for a resolution. It also seems to me the general quality of the images is now not as good.
It may be worthwhile for the RF developers to look into this, when the higher priorities have been addressed.

Ciao e Buon Natale anche a te!
@legoman is correct, to the best of our knowledge the usual methods of enabling antialiasing via external graphics control panel (e.g., Nvidia, AMD) do not work with the DirectX 11-based version of RealFlight Evolution.

It is also true that a Windows display scaling setting other than 100% will negatively impact RF Evo's rendering. The higher the scale value, the worse the appearance.

Due to the nature of aliasing artifacts it is normal for them to appear worse in some situations/at some angles than others.

We are working on further improvements to help with these types of issues. Please stay tuned!
If I recall correctly, I recall a similar recent thread. And the solution was to reduce the scale on high res monitors.
View attachment 137164

And thats a solution? I am very dissapointed about RF on my one year old laptop as i expected newer and better game (graphics f.i). I before used Phoenix, and that 10 years old software was much much better. Its a bloody shame!
@legoman is correct, to the best of our knowledge the usual methods of enabling antialiasing via external graphics control panel (e.g., Nvidia, AMD) do not work with the DirectX 11-based version of RealFlight Evolution.

It is also true that a Windows display scaling setting other than 100% will negatively impact RF Evo's rendering. The higher the scale value, the worse the appearance.

Due to the nature of aliasing artifacts it is normal for them to appear worse in some situations/at some angles than others.

We are working on further improvements to help with these types of issues. Please stay tuned!
in windows 11 realflight keeps changing the dpi settings under compatibility, change high dpi settings even after you change them and click apply. this may be some of the cause. its either windows, steam or realflight that keeps changing this setting. scaling should at least be disabled in fullscreen but it is not and there is not an option to change it. the text should scale differently than the simulator but i guess thats not possible or at least its not implemented. stuff like this should not be happening in a program thats been out this long its kinda ridiculous.
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