Has anyone have this field?


New member
I'll try to describe that field is was definitely a Sierra Nevada format it reminded me of a Wet n' Wild water park ride, were you flew in this continuous tunnel that wrapped around went over each other and under it was wild, then about half way through you went through some of the narrow width obstacle rings that went straight and spaced apart evenly about 10 rings in all then the tunnel started again. Also at the beginning of the tunnel it was flare out. The tunnel was made of wide width rings but they curved right and left up, down it was really a challenge, you had to use either chase or cockpit view. The terrain was some what hilly no trees and only a chris cross type runway in the distance it never was used because the spawn was at the start of the tunnel with a short asphalt and grass runway. I know this sounds wild but I was just beginning to use the G3 and thought this field was available through the system, but it's not unless I'm missing something. also the tunnel bore was massive in circumference

Thanks again for your help
Thanks but no cigar!

Nope, This is ONE continuous tunnel, it starts at one end and you can't get out until you go through the whole thing it is really wild. I see all the obstacle courses that are on the x-packs I have 1 & 2 unless I'm blind which happens at my age now and then.
I know what your talking about. lots of fun! RobB has a very nice course. 50%Plane also has a nice one.