Heli Canopy - How the heck do I make this!!!


New member
Trying to make a canopy for a heli which shall not be named at this time. I cannot figure it out! What is the easiest way to make a canopy for a model on RealFlight?
You cannot create just a Canopy for a heli. You must create the entire model to have a different Canopy. If you're just trying to repaint an existing Canopy, This Thread is a Start. There are many many more threads that can also help you. Use the search function on the forum.
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I used Blender for making almost the entire model. My mate used Blender to create a Rave Ballistic 635 and a Stingray 500 (the ones here on the swaps)

It most certainly is possible, he did it. I just cannot figure out how.

I still use 3DS Max for hierarchy, colors, mapping, etc, but most of the 3D stuff was in Blender.
On the heli I did, I probably spent more time on the canopy than any other part......probably the entire heli in fact. All I can say is to keep at it. Pay close attention to your edge flow. Keep them as straight as possible. Avoid triangles and ngons. I think by the time I was satisfied, I created somewhere around 12-15 canopies, so I feel your pain.

BTW......I once was an avid user of Blender. Do yourself a favor and go all Max. The UI is so much more friendly, and everything can be done right there. Going from program to program really opens your model up to problems. Trust me. I've been there more than once.
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Well Without knowing the exact model I can't give you specific advice but here is a generic method that should work in any 3d Package.
Start With a sphere rotate the sphere so the poles point fore and aft along the Y axis.
The sphere should be small and placed at the nose of the canopy. also there should be an edge in the middle bisecting the right and left sides.(This will help when using symmetry.)
In any sub object mode such as verts select most of the rear of the sphere, leaving some edge loops to shape the very nose piece, and pull them straight back to the full length of the canopy. When viewed from the sides the vertical loops should remain perfectly vertical. This will make mapping much easier in the end. Grab the vertical vert one at a time and uniformly scaling in the vertical and moving each one to fit top to bottom. Add more edges as needed to fit the side profile as closely as possible. Now move to the top down view and again selecting those same sets of verts one row at a time scale IN THE X AXIS ONLY! Until the shape fits the top view. You should still have a closed shape. Now trace the open edges of the canopy on the existing shape. Select the polys that don't belong and delete them. You should have a nice canopy exterior. In Max I use the "Shell" modifier to give the canopy an inner surface. You may know the Blender counterpart to this modifier I do not. That's how I do it. Hope it's clear enough to follow.
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