HELP - mode 1 <> mode 2 troubleshooting


New member

I want to change frome mode 1 to mode 2 in RF Basic.
I change in the game option as it's shown BUT it don't fully works.
Just change "horizontal move" of the switch but no "vertical move" (sorry for my poor english level)

I will try to explain more :
when I pass from mode 1 to mode 2 : throttle stay on the right stick (vertical move !). In mode 2 I expect to get it on the left stick.

Is someone else as the same problem ?
I've allready sucessfully change the controller to mode 2 following the link you post but this is the program who doesn't recognise as a mode 2 controller.

Also my resseller told me that RF Basic is sold as a mode 1 but can be easyli change to mode 2.

As a rookie you can't know if you will feel better with a mode 1 or mode 2 controller for driving an RC helico...

Is there someone who can help me ?
If you are a "rookie" how WOULD you know?

You wouldn't

You don't say where your from
but if you live in the USA...
most R.W. Radios (TX's) in the USA use mode 1
best to learn in mode 1........ don't you think?

If you are a 'rookie' you really haven't learned yet what is comfortable of uncomfortible yet.......
It all depends on what mode you learned on and got used to ....only then will the "other" mode feel "uncomfortible''......

Its kind of like which hand you learned to throw a ball or frizbee with.
To : Maj. Numbskully.

Thank you for your answer even if I disagree.

If I understand what you say : people doesn't have any preference and just learn without thinking :eek: brrrr !!! frightening vision of life :D.

I'm rookie in Helico RC flying but not in RC flying it's the reason why I want to test before choosing mode 1 or mode 2 to know if my instinct will be more confortable whith one or the other one. Seems easy to understand to me...

I whish you a good day to all of you.
Go to a local heli field in France... find out what most guys use.... in the USA we tend to use Mode2 in Europe the guys I have flown with tend to use Mode1...

You want to use what the people around you are using... that way they can help when you have trouble. Jeff already gave you the conversion page, so it is up to you.

I have heard that some right handed guys like the cyclic on the right side... I think that you can learn either way and some guys do switch eventually. The best advice is to do what your local environment suggests. This way the local guys will be able to help you trim your aircraft. If you fly one mode and they fly another, you will not be able to help each other.
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I had the same issue, I found a retailer that had mode 1 on sale for only $70US. I purchased it figuring I could change the mode to two in software. I was surprised that all that did was change the animation of the controller on the screen and didn't actually reverse the gimbals.

I did change it to mode two myself (voiding my warranty in the process). If you are handy with a soldering iron, the conversion is quite simple. After moving all the mechanicals as described in the link jeffpn provided, simply desolder the six wires (three wires for the left and three for the right) connecting the potentiometers to the control board and swap their positions. Maintain the order of the wires, simply move the left side to the right and vice versa. After doing this, the interlink works exactly as a mode 2. :D

While this worked perfectly for me, do not attempt if you don't know for sure what you are doing, I am in no way responsible if you damage your controller doing this. Also, I'm sure this will totally void any warranty you would have. So do this at your own risk!
