How To Install?


New member
I bet you guys get asked this a lot, but I just bought a software only, download copy of RealFlight 9. Am I going to receive the activation codes in the mail or e-mail or what? I thought I'd receive the code instantly but I haven't.

Thanks in advance...
You should receive an email with all the required info, but we at Knife Edge Software aren't involved in that process and I don't actually know exactly how long it normally takes. I would guess about a day, possibly to allow enough time to confirm the payment method.

I assume you received that email days ago. If not, you should definitely contact Tower Hobbies for support.

Enjoy RealFlight! :)
Hope someone can help me here.
I recently purchased real flight 9 and the controller but I also have real flight 7.5 installed but without the controller.
Will it be necessary to uninstall the earlier version before installing the new?