I desperately need help


New member
Can someone please model a Hubsan X4 107 please !!
I am a newbie, and I just received a hubsan X4 for a rehab aid, after brain surgery.
I am really having a hard time flying the quad, and although I am making some progress, I have been doing some damage to the quad, as well as my home.

I recently purchased Realflight 7 & I think it will be a great aid to learn how to fly the X-4 quad, if I could practice on my computer.

I thought that the X4 was a popular quad, but it seems to not be popular in this forum
Please help
You do not need the exact model you have to practice and or learn to fly a quad. There is a limited selection of multi-rotor aircraft in this sim. You might be waiting a long time to get your favorite quad.

To enhance the chances of someone modeling your quad... post pictures and information on the aircraft. You will have to get a modeler interested in taking on your project. Good Luck
Following up on what 12oclockhigh said, please see the threads on how to "properly" post a request here.

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You must expend effort on your part, to begin to get interest in modeling the aircraft you desire.

Even then, this is a serious investment of time and effort for the modeler. The more work you do for them, the better the odds that someone MIGHT create the model.

Modelers tend to create planes that they themselves are interested in.


Also bare in mind that there are already small quad copters available in and for the sim from the downloads section that are fairly close to the Hubsan.
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