I posted the Airports I recently created on the Swap Pages..


New member
I posted the airports I created on the swap pages. The airports include my r/c clubs field and several sites in Colt State Park, Bristol RI where I used to fly (when it was legal) before I joined the AMA.
This is my first attempt at creating an airport. The camera I used was the Kodak Pixpro Orbit360 4k.
I posted one airport with 3 VR360 4k photos stitched together with a size of 24000x12000
The other airports just use one VR360 4k photo.. no stitching.
The large 24000x12000 one needs some editing with the realflight airport editor to get the zbuffer invisible obstacles correct along with a few other tweaks, but it's a good start.

There are several good cameras to use that are affordable now. I picked up my camera for $145.00

The Garmin Virb is supposed to be good too, but there's more manual stitching of the photos involved.

I used the open source panoramic editor called Hugin to stitch the large airport together.