Installing and using previous versions planes.

Stuart Bazley

New member
Ho Simmers, I'ce just received RF7 and although it has a large range of aircraft I'd like to add the planes from Version 4.5. Which dck files should I copy across to 7? If I just copy them all, the planes load with no problems but once I try to go online I get an error telling me many files are duplicated, mainly trees and shrubs.

It's certainly great to have all my old favorite planes in 7. I did ask a friend of mine and he's having identical problems with version 3, 4, 5 and 6 planes. I told him I'd ask so he doesn't duplicate the thread.

Thanks for the help in advance. Oh, yes I realise I may have to edit the planes to get them to work but that's not a problem as I enjoy doing it.:)

Regards Stu
If you're talking about getting your custom and imported content from previous versions of RealFlight into RF7, take a look at this thread:

If you're talking about getting previously installed Expansion Packs working with RF7, the safest and most straightforward way would be to install them again from your installation discs.
Thanks for the link Adam, I'm afraid it wasn't much help because I just want know which files are for planes and which ones not to use. Regards .. Stu
I'm going to say this as clearly as I possibly can:

Do not do this.

Never do this.

Do not ever, ever copy the .DCKs from one version of RealFlight into the Data directory of another version. It doesn't matter what you're trying to do--whatever it is, this is not the way to accomplish it.

Now you need to uninstall RealFlight 7 and reinstall it to fix things. Do that right now. I'll wait.


No, really.


Now that that's underway, tell me more about exactly what it is you were trying to accomplish, and maybe I can help. You seem to be trying to access certain models in RealFlight 7 that were available to you in G4.5 but apparently are not in 7. Please list specific examples.

Once RF7 has finished reinstalling, perform an update to the latest version, then let's see if we can figure out a solution to the problem you're trying to solve.
Uhh...whats that?

Ryan, all that file sharing talk is greek to me...

Just to be on the safe side, are you saying grabbing a plane from the swap page is a no-no if its from a previous version of RF? That download and import thing I learned to do is BAD if its from a prior version?

Some of us old timers remember flying on passenger airliners with props...wrenches and carburators we understand, mouses and files not so much....all this word-puzzle-n-clicking stuff is like memorizing the steps of a card trick, when all we REALLY want to do is thumb though the deck and pull out the particular right way to do it, you just do it. Software is a nightmare of "huh?" and "wtf?"for alot of us.

But we're trying, if you kids dont mind the all stupid questions!
No, no, you're fine. Your mileage may vary when importing content created for earlier versions of RealFlight (e.g., it may not fly the same as it did in the version for which it was designed), but doing so shouldn't break anything. That's a very different category of problem.

As far as I can tell, this user has been copying pieces of the RealFlight software itself (.DCK files) between versions. That is bad.
As far as I can tell, this user has been copying pieces of the RealFlight software itself (.DCK files) between versions. That is bad.

Eh, no sorry. It works great, and is less filling. They ARE the SAME .DCK files after all.

All you have to do is AVOID overwriting existing files in the new version.

It's been working fine since the G4 to G5 transition and beyond.... the only drawback is the uninstaller entries are not written to the registry.

RF7 prompts for the serials for the copied files once it starts and off you go.

It sounds like Stuart overwrote some of the RF7 DCK files. THAT was bad.
You don't get errors like what this person describes by only copying Expansion Pack .DCKs. I'm pretty sure they're copying G4 .DCKs and things like that.

It's okay for someone like you who has a better understanding of how these things work to copy some of those files manually and same a little time. But it's clear to me that the OP shouldn't be attempting the same thing.
I did it. Did it for 6 when it came out and for 7. Copied the DCK files for the add-ons and xpacks only. Worked fine. And I'm a bonehead! :)

I also used the KE migration tool. Lots of custom content. Worked fine.

As Hunter Thompson said, "The only people who know where the edge is are the ones who have gone over".
