InterLink DX Switches


New member

I am new to not only Real Flight but RC aircraft as a whole. I am wondering if someone can direct me to a place as to how the DX is laid out as far as which switch is what channel. I have no idea as to how to relocate the canopy and smoke for example to a specific switch.

Any help will be appreciated. I know how to get to the edit aircraft but when it as for which channel it doesn't show me which switch that is.

There is no absolute standardization of how switches are used. You are correct it is difficult to understand the operation of each plane. This is a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. Even the standard planes shipping with the software vary.

I advocate adding this information to the description of the plane in the editor. I have noone that agrees, so the problem continues. This is one reason that I ignore swap aircraft. I have a couple aircraft I fly every day and not much else.

Just figure out each aircraft yourself and write it down. Sorry, but that's the lay of the land.