It's Finally Happened *sigh*


Well folks I knew it was eventual and was just a matter of time but I am leaving the RC world. This decision was months in the working and now its a reality. There are a lot of precipitating factors that lead up to my decision. I have taken great interest in the Microsoft Flight SIM 2020 and Aero Fly FS2 SIM for PC, (new FS4 coming out this year). I thought I'd be a lifer in the hobby but the rising costs, I just can't warrant the costs anymore, the air space rules dampening our hobby, and especially peoples lack of interest in anything hobby (can't get new blood interested). It's just not fun anymore. The fun has gone out. Take Care everybody and keep flying.
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Sorry to see you leave the hobby but hobbies are supposed to be fun amd when they atop being fun I guess it is time to move on. Everything is getting far more expensive from hobbies and fun activities to gas and groceries. Take care and glad you found something related that brings you joy.