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Hi, and good morning. The LangeoogHangflug Scenerie was made with my Realme6 Pro QuadCam Handy. 10MP Camera and an Tripod 170cm high. About 30 pictures were stitched together with PTGui to the Panorama. Important is the Tripod, it is important to keep the horizon line straight. I build an holder for the Handy for the Tripod out of Plywood.
The lens could also be held exactly in the center to prevent parallax.
PTGui is an Stiching Program. It works verry good. You can test the programm, is free. A Watermark in the Result show than the Unregistered version.
Corretions at the Parnorama was made with CorelPhotopaint.

The Results ar better than my 16MP Panasonic DMC-SZ3.
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I really like your scenery!
I have also tried to create a slope-scenery but was not successful until now. How can I make planes fly below the horizon?
Is there a trick which I should know?