Mistral 3m glider "double reset"?


New member
While trying to fly the Mistral 3m glider at Sierra Nevada Cliff I see the following behavior: fly and crash the plane. Reset. The plane is ready to be launched, you can direct it with the mouse, and need to press a key to launch. Launch. The plane flies for 1 or 2 seconds then auto-resets itself. Back to directing it. Press a key again, the plane launches and flies normally.

So basically upon reset, the first launch is aborted after about 2 seconds, and the second launch is the good one. The first one is a real launch (can act on controls) not a rogue replay.

Latest stable version 7.00.025, DX6i + interface.
Stock Mistral 3m aircraft + some servos re-wiring so it flies w/DX6i.
Stock Sierra Nevada Cliff aiport.
Have not tried w/other aircrafts (should I?).

Low priority, not a big deal, but... is it only me?
FWIW... I confirmed the problem... I had to crash about a dozen times before I saw it... it could be the rewind feature is messing up a bit, but it did start happening over and over.