Multiplayer issues?

works up to 4.50.036

mine works up to 4.50.036 anything higher than that doesn't allow my to use MP over the internet.

I added the ports as suggested, opened the ports on my wi-fi. but still no success.

Any other suggestions or how I can check if any of my settings are wrong?

Another MP problem

Hi guys, newbie here.

Just bought g4.5 last night, installed and played on multiplayer with no changes to my firewall or router just fine.

Registered and updated the software to .050 today, and can't connect to the list server at all. Same error shown in the screenshots.

I enabled all ports in Windows Firewall (XP Pro) and all ports are now forwarded in my Linksys wireless router.

Still no dice. Kinda disappointed, actually. :(

Nice to see a forum full of enthusiasts, though!
When the KE servers are up, Multiplayer in .50 works pretty well.

Since you are having difficulty, it is likely that your settings are not correct.

The router you have works just fine too.

There have been numerous posts here of late about MP problems, but this was due to a problem on KE's server.
mevers said:
mine works up to 4.50.036 anything higher than that doesn't allow my to use MP over the internet.

.036 versions (and earlier) actually use a separate server than the current version, .050. The .050 server crashed over the weekend and was not able to auto-restart. I'm looking into that now.

It is up now.

More explanation
I'm using G5, just upgraded recently.

Its Nov 10 2009, are there still server problems?

I am trying to connect via WiFi without success.

Guess I shall try sending an email support request next.

Savage said:
I am trying to connect via WiFi without success.

Guess I shall try sending an email support request next.

You have to forward ports for mp to work. You need to get your own internet service, so you can forward ports through your router.