naming conventions for G3.5 Heli


New member

Where can I find/download naming conventions for helicopters in G3.5?
The table in the on line tutorial is empty.

thanks, Gerhard

thanks for your swift reply, but there seems to be more conventions available.
in the first tutorial it says
..... Here is a table that shows some of the naming conventions we use:

.... but instead of the table only the text '
' appears on the screen

I have successfully done a heli using Blender tutorial and also defined most ~CS parts from the Demo Heli available, but when I load my Heli I get a message
about missing parts:
Plane file refers to missing Component Frame '~CS_LEFTSKID_GC_Back'
Plane file refers to missing Component Frame '~CS_LEFTSKID_GC_Front'

therefore I assume that I have to define more components.

thanks, Gerhard
Plane file refers to missing Component Frame '~CS_LEFTSKID_GC_Back'
Plane file refers to missing Component Frame '~CS_LEFTSKID_GC_Front'

These thing are a little box you have to place in the Skid.
One at the front and one at the back side of each skid.

The boxes tell's G3 were the Skid have the contact point's to the ground to avoid a sinking helicopter. (half of the skid is under the ground)

I also have the problem with my first heli.
This is the only component wich isn't explaint in the tutureal, and is difficult to locate at the demo helicopter fom Knifeedge if you don't know were its location is.
Naming for Electric Heli

How can I tell RF to load an electric Heli ? Is there something like ~CS_ELECTRIC ?

Default physics model when you import .kex will be Combustion engine, you must change that to electric.