newbie in the house

Is there a URL to get to where all the RFX EA files are? I'm looking for Eflite T-28 Trojan and am not finding it on the forum. I suspect there is a database at Knifeedge where these files are stored.
You do know, I hope, that RFX is no longer supported by KE. There are some EAs but not that many. RFX is a great product if you have the hardware to support it.
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Click on the "Swap Pages" tab at the top of the forums screen.
Thanks for the response.
So, the RFX and/or the EA files are only in the Swap Pages? Isn't there a specific archive for planes? I managed to get the new Draco EA but was also looking for the T-28 Trojan 1.1m but can not find it.
This is a simulator. The author is not responsible to have every aircraft available. Fortunately, you can import a t-28 and modify the physics (weight and size) to match the model you want/have. You can even use a graphics program to create the color scheme you wish. Not all full-size planes have been modeled. The most popular military planes have been modeled.
hi friends, is there a way to get Draco for realflight 9.5 , thanks again
Use the "search " function above (upper right) type in Draco and hit search, look for the "Draco EA", there`s is also a "PZL Wilga EA" on the swap pages a very similar plane, you can "search" for that as well.