Newbie question regarding loading an airport


New member
Okay, have no problem importing airports, planes, variations, etc. Have a problem with many airfields though and wanted to raise it here rather than just PM the person who edited the airfield.

Just downloaded a recent variation of Gladston Fling Field - edited by DannyBoy97 V1. Imported fine. First time flying on it, no issues. Shut down G3.5 and come back later, load it up and get three warning messages:
Object "Full Scale Cessna" not found
Object "Champaign Club House" not found
Object "Out House" not found

Now I'm just using this one airfield as an example, but this happens with almost every custom airfield I've loaded/imported. Some Object or another seems to 'not be there'. What I don't get is when I look at the airfield, many times these objects ARE there. Sometimes they are not, like with Edwards, nothing is there but the hills and the sand, and I get a list a half mile long of "Objects" not found.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this an inherent issue with imported airfields? Suggestions? The files I've imported did not come with any other objects for me to copy to any specific directory, so I'm at a loss... your kind advice and suggestions are more than welcome!



  • objectnotfound.jpg
    21.4 KB · Views: 41
The airfield is using objects from an add-on or expansion pack you do not have.

Ideally the creator should post WHICH add-ons or expansion pack objects he/she used so the downloader can determine what to do, or whether to download or not.

Unfortunately this gets overlooked... more often than not ( with exceptions cough*like me*cough) by those all to anxious to post "SOMETHING" rather than taking their time to do QUALITY work.
Oh, gotcha, that would make sense. Okay, nother silly newb question - is the rating and commenting on uploads an event that I have to be here for a certain time before I can participate? Just curious...
You can fix those errors easily. Just goto Edit (airport name). Expand all the folders and scroll down until you find each one of the items. Then simply delete them. VIOLA problem solved. Don't forget to save the changes.