One on one training for building RF model

reading the fine print in your offer.....

Skype is required for it's screen sharing capability. It does need a high speed internet connection so please have that too.

Please define High Speed as you see the need. This may be an issue as I live out in the sticks and the only internet is Satellite Dish. 12 mbps Down / 3 MBPS Up. Will this work for your needs?

Wish is was lightening fast like Verizon Fios.
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Skype needs to send audio and video over the internet. Therefore a high speed connection is a must.
Any chance you could record training sessions and then put them up on YouTube? I would love to create a couple models for RealFlight, but unfortunately my schedule is very limited.
So is mine. That's why I was looking for a single student. Screen recording would slow everything down when I'm in the session. If your too busy for lessons you are way too busy for making models for RF.