

New member
I use G3.5 and find it to be pretty good for my needs. The swap pages are super for new models or airfields too.
My main worry is that Realflight is now in very serious danger of becoming a game and not the training/practice aid it once was.
I would love the views of other users on this point.
G5.5 is everything G3.5 was, and much, much more.

I use it as a training and creative tool.
My kids use the Game features.

It's a win-win in this household. :)
No, there's just some people who like to post things more than once here. Sometimes they just ask pointless questions, only for the sake of posting. Other times, they may think they know what they're talking about, but give misinformation, not helping out the OP at all. I've also seen people post just to say that they don't know the answer to the question in the thread, that someone else should chime in. They like to clutter up the forums, so they are harder to read than they ever have been in the past.