Radio master zorro


New member
What do you have to do to get the radio master zorro to work on RF evolution just want to fly helis obviously I’m not a software engineer.
Do a search here for "Edge", "OpenTX", "Radiomaster", "Taranis"etc. Lots here about "how to". They all are similar, since at their hearts they all use OpenTX or a variation of it. Instructions, even from several years ago and old versions of the radio software or Real Flight, still are the same.
First, set up a model on the Zorro with all of the switches you would like to use with RF assigned to radio channels. It doesn't really matter which switch is on which channel; if you have favorite settings for real aircraft, you can follow that convention. All of the channels should be able to work with RF, so associate everything with a channel.

Then, connect the Zorro to your computer via USB. When it asks about the type of connection, choose "USB Joystick" (not the usual "USB Storage" you use to access the SD card). That makes it appear to Windows as a game controller.

Finally, start RealFlight. The controls in RF will be totally messed up, as nothing will be mapped to the correct function in RF. You'll need to edit the Controller Profile (RF will start with a default "Gamepad" setup) and go through each channel in the Controller Profile to get it associated with the correct input from the Zorro. You may need to calibrate the controller again after mapping all of the channels. When the calibration process asks you to center the controls, center the sticks, three-position switches, and any sliders or knobs. Then when you get to the step where you move everything around, move all of those things through their entire range of motion.
Does it appear in Windows as a Joystick device?
Turn radio on, select any model for this test. Plug in USB. Select "USB Joystick" when prompted.
From the start button for Win, in the search box type joy.cpl to bring up the Windows joystick interface.
Is it listed there?

If not, either your cord is bad, or you may need to download drivers for it. If you do an install of OpenTX or Edge Companion (whatever type/version that matches what is on your radio), that will install all the drivers needed along with the Companion program. There are other ways, without installing Companion, but they get a bit more techie to describe, as what to click on/look for depends on your specific version of Windows.

If it IS listed as a joystick - then the summary by flightengr is the place to start.
Sometimes the order of several joysticks listed is important. Respond back if you have other things also listed, and the Zorro is still giving you issues. But if it seems to be working, then carry on...

At the most basic for these radios, your model setup must have a "source" (stick, knob, switch, slider) assigned to each channel desired in the Mixer section. You can use, but it is not required, to have similar "sources" listed under "Inputs". Do at least 8 channels for Real Flight. One "gotcha" - channels 6 and 7 must be controlled by something with a center (stick, slider, knob, 3 positions switch). Using only a 2 position switch for those two produces really strange/defective results.