Real flight 7.5 plus Futaba 6EXAP “connect your controller”


New member
Trying to help a fellow flyer by getting his RF7.5 sim to work, it never has. Running on Win10 so installed DirectX9, always defeats attempts because will not recognise the Futaba controller. Checked using joy.cpl and can see PPM installed and receiving signal.
Using a USB dongle joystick emulator not the interlink controller.

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RF7.5 does not support generic Windows controllers. It only works with an RF branded controller because RF versions earlier than RF8 use the controller as part of its copy/piracy protection scheme. It also won't work with newer InterLink X & DX controllers. The newest controller it will work with 7.5 is the InterLink Elite. The only solution with your friend's hardware is to buy a newer version of RF.
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