RealFlight version 4.50.025 is now public

Ryan Douglas

Staff member
RealFlight version 4.50.025 is now available on the public server as an online update. To obtain it, simply run the RealFlight G4 Launcher, click Additional Options, then click Registration/Updates. You will need to complete the online registration if you have not done so in the past. This may be required even if you have registered previously; if so, just make sure to use the same password you used originally. Then, click Update to Latest Version, or Update to Specific Version if you prefer, and follow the instructions.

Note that this update is cumulative. As long as you obtain the update via the Launcher, you do not need to update to any earlier versions first. And if you already downloaded this version from the public beta server, you do not need to download it again.

Normal maps were turned on by default in version 4.50.021, and this has caused performance problems for users with low end systems. You can toggle this setting in the Simulation->Settings dialog under Graphics->Quality.

Fixed a crash bug related to collisions
Splash sounds do not cause a crash when too many other sounds are playing simultaneously
Fixed two potential crash bugs related to a large number of sounds playing simultaneously
The heli rotor speed governor allows a faster spoolup for some throttle curves, and is more consistent on resets
Electronics components and servos reset properly when the aircraft is reset
Smoke servos do not get stuck on
Quick Select airport selection gadget tab is disabled during multiplayer
Disabling normal maps reduces the amount of RAM used
Helicopter rotor blades take their strength modifier into account when determining when to break off
Aircraft parts that break off are affected by the wind
Scrape sounds stop playing when the airport is changed
KEX Import Wizard does a better job auto-detecting the type of object being imported
Imported windsock objects display properly
Pylon Racing event ends after being completed successfully in single player mode

Albatros DVa: G4.5 version overrides the Albatros in Add-Ons 4 if AO4 is installed
Dominion 3D: Headspeed governor's Idle Up 1 RPM is lower than Idle Up 2
Furion 450: Flight mode selection switch behavior is consistent with other helis
Griffin Combat VTOL (EP3): spawns at airplane spawns instead of helicopter spawns
Harrier: G4.5 version overrides the Harrier in Add-Ons 4 if AO4 is installed
Yak 54 (all variants): Airplanes break apart as expected after a forceful crash