RF 9.5S: How to regain control over SAFE mode?


New member
At some point I was able to toggle between SAFE and AS3X, but no more.

Been reading everything I can find, but no joy.

Seems like the default is Switch B Channel 8, but that's not working for me.

If I had my druthers, I would have the SAFE toggle assigned to switch C.

Eflite UMX Turbo Timber simulation, Spektrum NX10 transmitter, SPMWS 2000 dongle.
Two things to check...
First, make sure that your NX10 has the switch you're using assigned to channel 5, 6, 7, or 8 (Gear or Aux1 - Aux3). You can use any switch you like - it doesn't have to be B. That's set in System Setup menu > Channel Assign. Even though you have an NX10, the dongle is limited to 8 channels.

Then, you have to link that channel from the WS2000 to RealFlight's Mode channel (channel 8) in the Controller Profile. It doesn't make life any easier to set the channel the 8 (Aux3) on the radio; you still have to ensure that whichever channel you've selected on the NX10 is acknowledged by RealFlight channel 8.

I have a writeup here on adjusting the Controller Profile with a WS2000 if you need more details.
Two things to check...
First, make sure that your NX10 has the switch you're using assigned to channel 5, 6, 7, or 8 (Gear or Aux1 - Aux3). You can use any switch you like - it doesn't have to be B. That's set in System Setup menu > Channel Assign. Even though you have an NX10, the dongle is limited to 8 channels.

Then, you have to link that channel from the WS2000 to RealFlight's Mode channel (channel 8) in the Controller Profile. It doesn't make life any easier to set the channel the 8 (Aux3) on the radio; you still have to ensure that whichever channel you've selected on the NX10 is acknowledged by RealFlight channel 8.

I have a writeup here on adjusting the Controller Profile with a WS2000 if you need more details.
re/"I have a writeup here on adjusting the Controller Profile with a WS2000 if you need more details."
I did not even know there was such a thing as WS2000 Controller Profile.
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RealFlight's input all comes from Windows game controller inputs. RealFlight really doesn't know anything about specific radios or devices. Instead, it lets Windows handle the hardware.

The WS2000 takes the radio signals it receives and presents that information to Windows as various game controller inputs. An InterLink DX controller is really a giant game controller with about 20 different inputs.

RealFlight has what it calls a "Controller Profile". That's where you map the game controller inputs to RealFlight's virtual radio channels. RealFlight has a preconfigured Controller Profile for the InterLink DX for the sake of ease and consistency. For any other kind of radio or controller, you'll need to adjust the Controller Profile based on how your radio is set up. There are just too many variables involved for one Controller Profile to apply to everything. Even though RealFlight will recognize the WS2000 as "Spektrum Receiver" and basics such as the sticks will work, you still need to adjust it for how you have configured the switches.