RFD "issues" addressed in G2 ?



There are a few things in RFD that, although
not major issues, are very annoying. I was
wondering whether G2 might address these.

I'm sure there are more, but here's a quick
list off the top of my head (I haven't used
RFD for a month or so, so am already forgetting
some of the issues!)

1) Trim.
I use a JR TX and the interface. Some of the
models fly fairly well with neutral trim;
some require a bit of trim, some are so
horrendously out of trim that I run out of
trim and have to fly with quite a bit of
stick pressure. I *could* program my TX to
add extra trim, but then OTHER models would
be unflyable without again reprogramming.

Why not allow sub-trim to be entered into
the config page that allows you to edit the
model's parameters instead of requiring
constant TX reprogramming ?

2) Overhead flight. When I'm flying heli's and
I get close to the overhead position, the
whole world swings wildly and violently
around. This is very disorienting and
clearly unrealistic.

3) Perpetual motion. Even with a model that is
set up for heavy wing loading, it seems that
I can fly forever after the engine dies.
VERY unrealistic. (I wish the real world
WAS like that !)

Thanks for the input. G2 doesn't directly address any of these issues.

for #1: You might try changing the incidence of the stab for a permanent solution.

for #2: This is the only way that really works. If you fly over your head, either you have to tilt your head backward, or your have to turn around really quickly. RealFlight does the latter.

for #3: We'll take that under advisement.