Update to 3.5 Question?


New member
I have the RealFlight G3 ver 3.00.366. Can I update my software directly to 3.5 with just downloading this new 3.5 version or I must first update my software with older versions then this new version?
Many Thanks
I'll have to check with one of the other guys to be absolutely sure, but I think the 3.50.033 installer expects that you have 3.00.480 installed. It might seem to work, but some of the art assets might come up missing or appear differently than they would if you installed without updating first.
It depends on your method of updating. If you use the Launcher to update to 3.50.033, you can go straight from 3.00.366 (or any other version, for that matter). If you download the standalone update from RealFlight.com, you will need to have version .448 first. Otherwise, as Travis mentioned, you may be missing certain data, and that could manifest itself in very bizarre ways that are difficult to track down, making you think something's wrong with the program when in fact it wasn't updated properly.

Contact RealFlight tech support for assistance if you need to download the update. They can help you get from .366-->.448 first. I'll tell you up front that using the Launcher, if at all possible, will be a much simpler and more straightforward process.