What is Panic Mode?


The planes I fly on RF9 let me choose between AS3X and SAFE. But I played around with some other planes and they had something called Panic mode (which unfortunately is always turned on in my set up so I can't really fly the planes). What is the difference between Panic mode and SAFE mode?
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What is the difference between Panic mode and SAFE mode?
For most setups the primary differences are two: 1) the length of time, and 2) the switch mode|type.

SAFE or SAFE Select, is usually placed on a two or three position switch, while Panic is usually placed on a momentary contact switch. SAFE is designed to be active over time, while Panic is designed to active only momentarily (or on a time delay after a momentary switch press). The function is the same; right the aircraft and achieve self leveling. SAFE maintains continuous pitch and roll angle limits, while Panic usually maintains self leveling for a time.

The primary point of Panic mode is to allow the new pilot to get used to flying free form without limits but be able to recover an error (spin , dive , inverted , etc) momentarily in order to catch a breath and regain orientation and composure. The effect is temporary so that the pilot can then go back to free form flying, or experimenting again.

jdouglasj and Friends,
Pressing keyboard keys will provide you the "switches" that your transmitter lacks.
Key Channel Type
Y 5 On/Off Switch
U 6 Knob
I 7 On/Off Switch
O 8 3-Position Switch
J 9 On/Off Switch
You can get to this information in the RF software under; Help menu, Keyboard Commands, or pressing the H key.
Look at your controller setup to make sure what key or transmitter switch is associated with the function you wish to use. Panic needs to be a press and release key type. Were it me, I would get away from using the safe modes ASAP. You need to know how to use them, but the Sim is your safe mode.
if you feel like your about to crash, you press a button on your radio and the plane will automatically stabilize
But how does one turn off panic mode when it is always on? Is there a keyboard command for panic mode on or off?
The planes I fly on RF9 let me choose between AS3X and SAFE. But I played around with some other planes and they had something called Panic mode (which unfortunately is always turned on in my set up so I can't really fly the planes). What is the difference between Panic mode and SAFE mode?
I can't turn off Panic either which renders the Aeroscout useless.
I can't turn off Panic either which renders the Aeroscout useless.
When in AS3X, panic mode is a momentary switch back to SAFE; essentially. The plane automatically comes out of whatever bad situation its currently in... levels off, and flies right... momentarily. Usually it is configured to be on switch "I" (the momentary button) so that the plane recovers, then goes back to AS3X and normal flight.

You might need to 'reverse' the panic switch. In other words, you might have it configured to be 'on' all the time. You need to configure it to be 'off' most of the time, and then 'momentarily' be activated only when needed.
