Why do the G3 helis roll to the left in FF?


Well-known member
Why do the G3 helis roll to the left in forward flight instead of to the right?

The left blade is the advancing one, the right one is the receeding one.

The advancing blade generates more lift due to the greater air speed, so the heli should tend to roll right.

Yeah I know, the receeding blade compensates by lowering the pitch angle...

But all G3 helis seem to roll to the right by a very pronounced amount.

I was playing with another nameless sim today and I noticed that it introduced a slight right roll during fast forward flight, as I would have expected.

Also the pitchup with nose dipped was far less pronounced...

And oh, the poor Concept Heli!

.430 renders it a former ghost of itself. It's now a strange creature.
Seems you are more sensitive to these things than the rest of us. :) I hadn't noticed any roll, as long as I have them trimmed so they don't slowly drift to one control input. I do find that I can't trim them perfectly, so there is almost always a tiny bit of rotor disk drift to one control direction, but not enough that I notice roll in any aggressive forward, reverse, or inverted flight.

Have you checked that you aren't giving a tiny bit of cyclic input with your fingers? :D
My first thought was that this might be an issue with the interlink itself.

It's not. Even when there is a slight rightward trim to compensate, as the heli picks up speed it rolls left which is un-realistic.

It behaves much like the planes do, as if the roll parameters are being erroneously applied to the helis.

This is not the "hard" advancing blade stall though ( is this even modeled? ).

In a hard (top limit) advancing blade stall the heli would roll right, once the left advancing blades produce no lift, but only as it approaches it's top forward speed.

BTW: If I turn the engine torque parameter (the first one which appears) for the planes all the way down, this of course disappears for the planes.... though it is unrealistic for prop planes...

There is no place to adjust this for the helis though.

"Other" sims seem to get this right...

Also is vortex ring modeled?

I thought it was, but I've never seem to be able to get a heli into a votex ring state.
I haven't noticed this and I put in a ton of time on G3. I do have the most recent update as well.

Heli's will not fly themselves, far from it. You can trim them out perfectly but due to the gyroscopic effects on the aircraft from the main-rotor and the tail-rotor, they will float and sometimes lean. It's the nature of a helicopter.

That's right.

Nor would I expect a heli to maintain a heading or attitude for more than a second or two.

But this is not what is happening.

Take the Dominion or any heli and level it out in fast forward flight.

Keep it a bit nose down (although the helis do tend to pitch up a bit too early, which is another problem...) so that it keeps a good rate through the air.

The heli will roll left which you must continuously compensate for.

If anything it should roll RIGHT not left.

The flight model seems to be using airplane physics for the roll... if the engine torque parameter were available, this would be simple to fix, but for helis it's not there.