AG-120 RF 7-5 V1_AV

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AG-120 (generic airplane)

This is a generic model airplane built from plans found on the Internet.

The plans are found here ==> http://aviationshoppe.com/airplane_plans/details.php?file=851

From examining the plans this appears to be an easy to build project, and would be a good way for someone to get into R/C flying without spending a huge amount of money. If I read the plans right wingspan is 60”. Aircraft eight is 12.73 pounds. Engine power for this model variant comes from an OS .91.

A few tweaks for RF 7.5 to get good model performance.

For anyone who actually does build this model I suggest modifying the plans to have the wings set at 1.2 degrees angle of incidence, add ballast to move the center of gravity forward a couple of inches, and set the engine at 1 degree down thrust. These modifications calm down the flight characteristics, enabling the airplane to fly in a fairly pleasant manner.

This model features fully animated servos/linkages, including a carburetor that opens and closes.

Model by jeffpn and color scheme by Maj. Numbskully.

This is a fairly snappy, faster flying model with the mentioned modifications. Fun to fly. It can do basic aerobatics.

This variant requires:
