
Corsair Battle Ready2_AV

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Improved AV over my last one - better sounding guns, better looking tracers, improved smoke for better realism.

This AV includes a three bladed prop similar to what's in the Parkzone flyer. The factory put out these Corsairs on an enormous three bladed Hamilton Standard Hydromatic that measured out at 13 feet, 4 inches in diameter (4.06 meters). That was the entire reason for the gull wing shape, to allow for a shorter landing gear strut and keep deck clearance on that big honking blade!!!

Anyway, this is associated with my CS, Corsair Bat1. Please review this fairly and let me know your opinions!!

Edit - come on guys, comment please! I see lots of downloads, just want to know if what I'm doing is correct, makes sense, etc.

This variant requires:

corsair from Add-Ons 1

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