
H9 eStick_EA

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    H9 eStick-0.jpg
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An electric "stick", powered by an eFlight Power 46. This plane is fully tricked out with functioning "Quad Flaps". This means that each aileron and flap is operated by an individually controlled servo. The functions of the ailerons and flaps are set by switches on the InterLink controller, which activate special mixes.

These mixes include:
Flap-to-Aileron for insane roll rates.
Flap-to-Elevator for extreme loops.
Crow-to-Throttle for airbrakes.
And, of course, Normal Flaps.

Read the aircraft description for instructions.

This aircraft was created for RealFlight by Doug Kaye (DHK79).

New for G4: The eStick was one of the most popular downloads for G3, now for G4 the 3D model and physics have been simplified, like was done on the remake of the UltraStick. This was to improve the frame rates on less than optimal systems. Also the plane has now been painted with a more traditional Hangar Nine trim scheme.