Did this one just because I like the MD 500. This is a very nice and smooth sport flier that will do mild 3D and looks nice. Added smoke on channel # 6 dial.
Has rates on #5.
Idel up on #8.
Hold on #7.
Wish it had a scale 5 blade head, but the 2 blade will have to do.
Added different cameras for fun.
Color scheme for camo: https://forums.realflight.com/index.php?resources/hughes-desert-camo_cs.20477/
Has rates on #5.
Idel up on #8.
Hold on #7.
Wish it had a scale 5 blade head, but the 2 blade will have to do.
Added different cameras for fun.
Color scheme for camo: https://forums.realflight.com/index.php?resources/hughes-desert-camo_cs.20477/