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  • LeFish-0.jpg
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This is a modification of the LeFish, based off the LEG kit version. This mod is close to the fish I have.

Best to fly at the Sierra Nevada Cliff site, in 5 to 10 Mph max winds ... you can fly in higher winds .... but don't say I didn't warn you .... LOL

I Modified the root and tip airfoils and the editor doesn't include the SB96 series. So, I used an Mh32 for the root, and a NACA0008 for the tip. The weight has be modified closer to my flying weight.

The elevator has been reduced to a more realistic throw.

The "MADstab" elevator throws are not an easy setup to create. And while they introduce a new type of flying, they also make conventional flying a nightmare. I set the stab for +/- 55 degrees.

I have not flown my "shark" in over 5 years, as it requires a bit of repair work. That, and I have a bit of a harder time climbing up and down hills nowadays. Which is another reason I don't fly my slopers much anymore.

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