
Sikorsky X2_EA

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    Sikorsky X2-0.jpg
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This is the Sikorsky X-2 Demonstrator. The Sikorsky X-2 is a Radical rotor boosts helicopter reaching speeds up to 288 mph
The top speed of helicopters hasn't increased much since the 1960s, but that will change when the prototype of Sikorsky's newly unveiled X2 takes flight. It can travel at up to 288 mph (compared with the 220mph limit of conventional 'copters) using two four-bladed, low-drag rotors spinning in opposite directions and an airplane-like propeller in the rear that significantly increases the forward thrust.

Herc40:3D Model, Phyisics, CS
Doug Schluter: Additional Physics

Landing Gear: Gear Switch
Rear Thruster: Rotary Knob
Rear Stearing: Rudder
Toggle Dual Rate Switch, for smooth and extreme flight

Thanks to EVERYONE who had a hand in getting this heli off the ground. It sure is a thing of beauty.

Take a look at the record breaking run here

NEWS: This version will not work with the newer downloads, the last version it will work with is G4.5.047. the rear thruster operates like it should, but dosen't produce thrust. So if you DL the lastest versions, it may or may not work.