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SpaceWalker Single seat 50%
The SpaceWalker is a nice low wing gentle flyer. First flew in 1986 and designed by Jessi Anglin as a throw back to the golden age of aviation.
This particular SpaceWalker takes all design ques from Mr. Jim Dietrick's build of a semi-scale single seat 50% SpaceWalker.
From the dummy 4 cylinder engine and PVC exhaust to the cockpit pad and istrument panel. This model has a 13ft wing span and 71/2ft nose to tail.

This plane is as close to the actual models flight physics as possible. At 54lbs this plane still flys quite nimbly. Yet will squat on those hard landings as you would expect a heavy model to do.

Modeled by...............................Boof69
Physics by.................................Boof69
Color Sheme by........................Boof69

Thanks to Abaser the landing gear are fully articulated. Meaning both the shocks and gear flex and move with contact with the ground.
Also the cockpit has a working ball level and a semi working compass on the dash. I couldn't get it to hold a particular direction.

Link to SpaceWalker build thread
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