Tie Advanced scale speeds_AV

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  • TIE Interceptor-0.jpg
    TIE Interceptor-0.jpg
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modded for higher speeds

For Star Wars fans, here is the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor.


- VTOL only - invisible "landing gear" on the lower panels allow model to balance on ground
- Solar panels break off in 3 different sections
- Panel struts break off
- Darth Vader :)

Flight Controls:

Left switch - Dual rates
Right switch - Smoke
Knob - Turbine thrust, fully clockwise = vertical, fully counterclockwise = horizontal


speed mod - Rockonmyfriend

3D Model - DirtyHarry3033, with thanks to James R. Bassett for his fine freeware TIE Interceptor
which was a valuable reference for details

Darth Vader - Original model by Shatgan of 3dstudio.com, with poly reduction, posing and mapping
by DirtyHarry3033

CS - DirtyHarry3033

Physics - DirtyHarry3033, based loosely on the G4.5 Harrier

Enjoy, and may the Force be with you!

This variant requires:

TIE Interceptor_EA
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