E-flite Extra 260

No Inky,
Thanks for making such a wonderful airplane! I am glad to add this one to my hangar! :D
brian94066 said:
whoa a hovering jet, was that the one from Nall?
No the one from nall was a different model,thats a P-160(Jetcat Titan) powerd composite arf rookie with the thrust vector option.
As i told Bladescraper,i need plan views to be able to model it.If you or anyone else can provide plan views from the left,top and front then i would be happy to make it.Let me know by PM and i will give you my email to send pics to.
inky00 said:
As i told Bladescraper,i need plan views to be able to model it.If you or anyone else can provide plan views from the left,top and front then i would be happy to make it.Let me know by PM and i will give you my email to send pics to.
Did you get my email?
Blade Scraper said:
Did you get my email?
Yes,but none of the shots you sent are any good for modelling as they are all from angles and not straight on plan views.
3D-Seth said:
Here you guys go. This is based off of the real one I flew. Opjose, your variant seemed to fly too light for me and a tad too slow. I feel it was closer than the flight model you get off when you download the EA however.

This is my tweaks, but I did not post it on the swaps yet because I feel it needs a little more tweaking.

Thanks and let me know what you guys think! :)


Re: Light

No it's based upon actual weights.

This is a VERY VERY light plane. It surprised me in how light it is.

My Mini Pulse XT which is smaller weights almost twice as much.

The variant is 2oz HEAVIER than the real deal.

Re: Slow

Depends upon the prop used.

My upload takes wattage loading and draw into account, adjust the prop to suit if you want a bit more speed.

We check this plane's climb and flight speed with a radar gun.

I was flying the Extra and the Pulse with exactly the same power system on both.

The Extra's larger cross section on the fuselage gave it much more drag.

The light weight also means far SLOWER acceleration during dives...