jeffpn said:
... There, you're bumped, and I even voted no!!
I was sorta counting on that although, being contrary for the sake of being contrary confounds me. I can't for the life of me understand why you would be opposed to providing people with an alternate method of connecting to a host when it doesn't detriment any other features of the application. There's just no negative to adding it back into the application.
In any case, the reinstatement of the IP entry dialogue box shouldn't be anything that complex. Depending on the code it could be no more than a 10 line change. Also, the port numbers used aren't relevant to the IP address dialogue. Port numbering is handled at a different (higher) layer of the OSI model than IP addressing so, your packets can be set to go to whatever port you want, encoded and sent down the stack to whatever IP address you specify.
As for the "(expletive removed)" dismissing the still being 100% dependent on the KE list server, it may not be important or relevant to you that your only option for being able to find or use an MP session is by connecting to the KE list server but, there are quite a few people that would appreciate at least having an option the next time the list server is down for 24+ hours (or whatever amount of time it's down) to still be able to use multiplayer.
The additional thought in your next post is highly unlikely to be the reason people want the IP address box back. Even if it were the reason that somebody voted yes, unless they planned on connecting to other computers using the dialogue box exclusively (very cumbersome) they would still need to have ports opened and forwarded to make use of the MP list server when not wishing to connect to a private session.
And no, a password protected session isn't as good or the same as a private session hosted on an external IP address because:
1. Listing the session isn't private as people can then see the listing and know it's there. If you are forced to advertise it then it's not private, password or not.
2. Being required to list it on the KE server means that the session is probably logged, or could be logged either by KE or someone that just wanted to be nosey.
3. You're still left being dependent on the KE server
Thanks for the bump though.