G4.5 heli's drifts left - cant fix?

321 said:
Just to be clear, real RC helis with a clockwise main rotor rotation drift left. Almost all of the pod and boom models turn clockwise. But real scale RC helis and real get-in-and-drive helis often have a counterclockwise rotation and therefore drift right.
For R/C, I've always applied the rule of thumb that whatever side the tail rotor is on, the chopper will drift the opposite. Basically, the tail pushes the chopper. However, I've noticed that some R/C helis have CCW rotation but the tail rotor is still on the right. Therefore the tail pulls the chopper. Does that hold true with any full size? I can't seem to find any info on that.

We gotta be careful, though. Don't wanna get chastised for talking about "real" aircraft...
K-n-D said:
We gotta be careful, though. Don't wanna get chastised for talking about "real" aircraft...
That's a good point. I forgot that we can't mention real R/C helis on the forum. From now on we'll just say that RealFlight behaves just like an unmentionable.
Spareparts said:
That's a good point. I forgot that we can't mention real R/C helis on the forum. From now on we'll just say that RealFlight behaves just like an unmentionable.
Hey there,

you're now in the same shoes I was in when I first started. (just a couple weeks ago)

got my TRex 500 ESP all setup and built, and spent a month to get it perfect, got my LHS manager to make all adjustsments needed, he flew it and tracked the blades and said it was perfect..

got it home and wanted to fly it for the first time (never flown anything before).. as soon as it gets just a tad light on the skids, it takes off to the left quick..
went back and checked with LHS and online and found out that "It's Supppose to be that way"

that's the effect of the tail and the ground

my heli still goes left even when I'm hovering at 2 to 3 or even 4 feet high. they all say that to hover is a constant fight to keep the heli in one place.

I checked with Real Flight 4.5 and it's pretty much the same as the real heli

Don't try to trim it out,

So, the best way is to be prepared to counteract and to not baby the throttle on take off too much, ya have to be very careful but once you try it a few times, you'll know how much throttle to give it on take off and all is just fine
10inja said:
Hey there,

you're now in the same shoes I was in when I first started. (just a couple weeks ago)

got my TRex 500 ESP all setup and built, and spent a month to get it perfect, got my LHS manager to make all adjustsments needed, he flew it and tracked the blades and said it was perfect..

got it home and wanted to fly it for the first time (never flown anything before).. as soon as it gets just a tad light on the skids, it takes off to the left quick..
went back and checked with LHS and online and found out that "It's Supppose to be that way"

that's the effect of the tail and the ground

my heli still goes left even when I'm hovering at 2 to 3 or even 4 feet high. they all say that to hover is a constant fight to keep the heli in one place.

I checked with Real Flight 4.5 and it's pretty much the same as the real heli

Don't try to trim it out,

So, the best way is to be prepared to counteract and to not baby the throttle on take off too much, ya have to be very careful but once you try it a few times, you'll know how much throttle to give it on take off and all is just fine

Thanks for your input on this! I now know what to expect when I have actual $$ in the air, thank GOD for SIMS, I guess Real Flight is the REAL DEAL then! At last count I have crashed 200 billion dollars worth of virtual aircraft.
Keep the Blades up and the skids down......Hog ......out :cool:
aiRhoG said:
Thanks for your input on this! I now know what to expect when I have actual $$ in the air, thank GOD for SIMS, I guess Real Flight is the REAL DEAL then! At last count I have crashed 200 billion dollars worth of virtual aircraft.
Keep the Blades up and the skids down......Hog ......out :cool:


Also do not overestimate what the sim is teaching you.

Assume your real world proficiency equates to about half of what you are able to achieve in the sim.

In other words, if you feel you may be ready for the real deal, because you can do things like hover in the sim, etc.... you probably are NOT ready yet for the real thing.

Once the helis in the sim seem like second nature, and you feel like you would have no problem with inverted flight, you may be ready for a go with the real thing.

Better to err on the side of safety, instead of crashing your new bird. And even then there are many things the sim will not fully simulate, that you will experience out at the field... week knees being one.