Request Aircraft here

I have an FMS F7F Tiger Cat. It is a 1700mm twin plane with retracts and flaps, I am reluctant to maiden it until I can get some SIM time with it. Anyone seen a SIM floating around? :):):):)

I have the new Flight line 1600mm Fu-1D Corsair and would love one for RF

Also a Mamba 60E Biplane would be great.........

Thank you
BTW, I know that RF9 has a Cub, but is the 1.3 variant - with GPS. I'm looking for the big version (2.1m). Don't think scaling up would quite get it.
Any one with the Eflite pitts 850 mm? for RF 6.5 or lower. Thanks
If you look at the blue bar at the top of the "swap pages" , you`ll see "search uploads", click on that, a search page will show up, then type in "Pitts" in the top search box titled "keywords", no need to fill out any others, look towards the bottom of the page, you`ll se "search" click on that, I just got 5 pages of Pitts to choose from, Approx. a 100 planes. Keep in mind, you`ll need the "EA" FIRST, before you can get any "AV" (aircraft variant) or "CS" (color scheme) to load into RF.
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Looking for the E-Flite F-16's 64 mm and 70 mm EDF. For some reason the search won't pull up F-16 so if these already exist any help would be appreciated.
I would like to know if anyone has designed a UFO like the one I have in real life? It's a quad with a foam fuselage, half an extra large clear plastic Christmas ball for a canopy, a little green alien pilot, and lots of LEDs.UFO 5.jpg